Presumably, we are too punctilious! Why not?
We also apply the "4-Step Quality Control and Assurance Process" for the translation projects we deliver in accordance with the ISO 17100 (EN15038) and ISO 9001 quality standards in addition to implementation of the quality control and quality assurance processes.
This specific quality control and assurance system, we have developed based on the experience we have gained while providing translation services to numerous national and international organizations until the present, consists of 4 basic procedure steps and is intended to deliver reliable translations.
The quality control and assurance system, we have been implementing by making no concessions thereto since we are a painstaking and fruitful translation agency, characterizes us a prudent and sincere business partner.
1) Literature Search
The procedure step whereby the corroborative actions are taken for ensuring that the correct and advisable sources and literature are utilized for the purpose of offering an outstanding service quality for the translation.
2) Checking & Correction
The procedure step whereby the translation produced in accordance with the ISO 17100 (EN15038) and ISO 9001 quality standards is checked on the basis of the elementary quality criteria such as terminology, wording, fluency, accuracy, completeness, and also any correction is made as required
3) Proofreading
The procedure step whereby the translation which has undergone the control and correction processes is subject to the proofreading process for the purpose of eliminating any potential negligence.
4) Spell Checking
The procedure step whereby the translation, which will be delivered based on our outstanding quality service concept, is checked and examined by means of various software for the purpose of ensuring that there are no typing errors/misspelling therein.
We strive to deliver trouble-free service of outstanding quality at all times. In order to become a favored translation agency we shall deliver reliable translation services, and we shall keep hold of quality for accomplishing such purpose. We will keep on acting as we have done.